Home » Solar Roasted Turkey: Have a Green Thanksgiving

Solar Roasted Turkey: Have a Green Thanksgiving

Solar Roasted Turkey Have a Green Thanksgiving

How to have a green thanksgiving and add a touch of green to our thanksgiving dinner? November is a great month for solar cooking. A solar cooker makes a great adjunct or primary for cooking the Thanksgiving meal. Solar cooking is simply harnessing the sun’s energy to cook food. A solar oven uses the power of the sun to cook. In our climate, that means that the majority of days we can cook our meals outside without using additional energy, saving our precious fuel storage. Solar energy is a clean, inexpensive, abundant, renewable energy.

While Roasted Turkey in the solar oven is an easy way to cook our Thanksgiving bird, the weather forecast for Thanksgiving Day here in Grand Rapids, Michigan isn’t looking favorable for solar cooking. I’m afraid this year we will have to plan on roasting our turkey indoors. However, if you are lucky enough to be in a part of the world where you’ll get enough sunshine, solar roasted turkey is as easy as it is delicious. When I lived in Tucson, Arizona I was able to cook a 14 pound bird (unstuffed) in three and a half hours. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Remove the leveling tray from the Sun cooker’s chamber.
  • Place a rack on the bottom of it.
  • Put the seasoned turkey in the Sun cooker’s roasting bag.
  • Place a probe thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh, seal the oven bag.
  • Place the turkey in the Sun cooker.
  • Roast until thermometer reaches 180˚F.
  • Carefully transfer cooked turkey to a large roasting pan.
  • Cut bag open, allowing cooking juices to drain into the pan.
  • Transfer turkey to a cutting board and let rest for ten minutes before carving.
  • Use cooking liquid to prepare gravy.
  • Enjoy!

Have a green thanksgiving and add a touch of green to our thanksgiving dinner. Thus we can “Back to the Future Green” in the near future.

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