Home » Dr. John X. Wang is invited to the journal’s Editorial board for IEJNN

Dr. John X. Wang is invited to the journal’s Editorial board for IEJNN

i535v1-grand-rapids-michigan-51ac1f0c23614Dr. John X. Wang has been “invited to be as Editorial board member for International e Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine” (IEJNN), a broad-spectrum journal helps to promote the emerging interdisciplinary field of nanotechnology and Nano medicine.

As an international, peer-reviewed journal presenting novel, significant, and interdisciplinary theoretical and experimental results related to Nanoscience and nanotechnology in the life sciences, IEJNN’s content includes basic, translational, and clinical research addressing diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, prediction, and prevention of diseases. These vitally important part research areas are closely linked with Inventive Problem Solving in:

*  Risk Engineering and Management

*  Engineering Decision Making under Uncertainty

*  Risk Communication

*  Green Electronics Manufacturing

*  Mitigating Risk and Uncertainty

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