Home » Back to Future Green – sustaining snow for Future White Christmas

Back to Future Green – sustaining snow for Future White Christmas

Back to Future Green – sustaining snow for Future White Christmas

Our mission of Back to Future Green – redefining green electronics would mitigate the impacts of climate change on Santa Claus, his reindeers and the elves.

What it would actually be like for Santa Claus, the elves and the reindeer if the North Pole is melting

The ice at the North Pole isn’t very thick and over the last 30 years or so it has been getting a lot thinner, it is shrinking.

The ice used to cover millions of square kilometres but now there is much less than that because of climate changes.

The littlest reindeer, Vixen, is facing great challenge to save Santa’s village and workshop while the ice at the North Pole slowly melts away.

The ice at the North Pole is cracking up. What is going to happen to Santa and the elves, and more importantly, what is going to happen to the kids at Christmas? How are we going to sustain the snow for a White Christmas?

What are the consequences of climate change? What can we do about it? What can our family do for climate change?

These questions comes as world leaders sit down in Paris to discuss a new international agreement in climate change action at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, running until December 11.

A critical part of the answer would come from “Green Electronics Manufacturing: Creating Environmental Sensible Products,” thus we can be Back to Future Green – sustaining snow for Future White Christmas.

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