Home » A Single Line Opens the Way: inventive problem solving

A Single Line Opens the Way: inventive problem solving


Poetic thinking is a life-cherishing force, a game-changing accelerator for Inventive Problem Solving of Industrial Design Engineering.

One line or a few lines within a poem can upend your way of designing industrial products. It can help you recover and reclaim a way of designing products break up acceptance of the status-quo, or, put more fiercely, a single line can tear down a pre-fabricated understanding of your customers.

That line or few lines in a poem can transmit energy of wisdom and passion with the enduring capacity to resonate with who you are at deeper levels of being.

While it could be something transcendent, we are not speaking only about the evocation of ecstasy, something other-worldly. Such a line might give you a deep grounding, a nuanced resonance; something that, while appearing plain, reveals, upon reflection, a reality exquisitely simple and direct: your sincere voice within for your customers.

Drawing upon the deep work of the circle of trust and poetic thinking, through his upcoming new book titled “Industrial Design Engineering: Inventive Problem Solving,” Dr. John X. Wang will nourish and deepen a contemplative practice that invites a resonance with that sincere voice. Actually, by exploring this unique new book, we will do this together!

We will commit to:

  • consciously create a place for such a voice to emerge,
  • experiment by making our own poems,
  • slow down to listen within to the voice of customers.

Let’s explore both of these worlds during this unique moment of interaction, the line that evokes the inspiration, the line that informs the heart here and now in a grounded way.

Let’s join the journey of poetic thinking with Trust to Nourish and Deepen Contemplative Practice. In this upcoming new book, Dr. Wang will lead us on a journey of renewal given to us by poetry and poem-making. The intention is to serve as encouragement and catalyst for your professional journey of Inventive Problem Solving of Industrial Design Engineering.

This journey of renewal is accessible in the midst of living this professional life—with its joy and adventure, the daily experience of being human and a deeper spiritual current that speaks to a greater mystery—poetic thinking provides a perspective and heart-felt experience that can be recognized and received as gifts including

  • Discovery of meaning and connection.
  • A way to sharpen the practice of mindfulness.
  • Poetic thinking encourages imagination.

Poem-Making invites play and imagination. A way of asking questions, where a question is in search of the best answer to satisfy customers. Questions ask to be held for inventive poetic thinking.

Relationships infused with compassion, courage, and the gifts shared within the team.

The journey of renewal will include gentle, evocative and poignant writing prompts that will reveal to us these gifts. It involves a type of poetic problem-solving in order to arrive at an industrial design that can be understood universally and communicate a function at a glance when driverless cars, smart homes, and other Internet-connected devices start to enter the mainstream in the coming years.

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